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Details zur Weiterleitung

Virtuelle Telefonnummern in Danville, USA (prefix: 1-434) mit Anrufweiterleitung zu Dualtalkcom




Our H.323 and SIP calling service is based on advanced switching systems in London.  The systems are wholly owned by Westbay Engineers Ltd. and are deployed at multiple secure data centres in London for resilience.  Although no VoIP network can claim 100% availability, we have worked hard to build systems that keep up-time to a maximum.  We operate duplicated systems in different parts of London.  Each switch is directly connected to Internet connections from three suppliers and is backed up by UPS and diesel generators.

The majority of our calls are switched onto TDM trunks in London.  For some routes, we use carefully selected partners to complete the calls on our behalf.  All destinations are backup up by routes from multiple suppliers.   If a call to a particular destination fails, then our switch will automatically reroute that call to an alternative supplier in real time.  The result is a calling service with high availability and good ASRs.

Our systems are monitored 24/7 by experienced and capable telecommunications engineers.


Kosten der virtuellen Telefonnummer:

Monatliche Grundgebühr: 9.90 EUR
Einrichtungsgebühr: 0.00 EUR

Kosten der Anrufweiterleitung:

Monatliche Grundgebühr: 0.00 EUR
Einrichtungsgebühr: 0.00 EUR

Bestell dir jetzt deine virtuelle Telefonnummer in Danville, USA, und leite alle eingehenden Anrufe zu Dualtalkcom weiter!

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