Virtuelle Telefonnummern in mehr als 60 Ländern. (

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In 3 Schritten zur eigenen Nummer:

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Details zur Weiterleitung

Virtuelle Telefonnummern in Wageningen, Niederlande (prefix: 31-317) mit Anrufweiterleitung zu Iptel




For an introduction to navigating this site, try the Site Intro page. is dedicated to the practical side of SIP-based IP Telephony communication. You can here learn about SIP and related technologies and how to set up and maintain a large-scale SIP infrastructure. is the home of the well-proven SIP Express Router (SER) and related tools (SEMS - SIP Express Media Server, SERWeb - WEb interface to SERi; RTPProxy - Media proxy server). This site is aiming at:

  • shall provide information and references on VoIPi standards.
  • ipel.ortg shall be the authoritative source for everything needed to set up a large-scale, highly reliable SIP service infrastructure based on SIP Express Router (SER) and related tools.
  • shall be a place to go for finding user-contributed documents, modules, code snippets, best practices, and links.
  • All contributions shall be open for comments (without moderation) so that the community can find pros and cons right there.
  • shall not be limited to SER, but rather focus on the usage of seri as a SIP server in a service provider/enterprise setting and thus include anything that comes with such a scope.
  • shall stimulate to development and sharing of any SER/SIP server related contributions, thus increasing SER's value proposition compared to commercial alternatives.

Kosten der virtuellen Telefonnummer:

Monatliche Grundgebühr: 9.90 EUR
Einrichtungsgebühr: 0.00 EUR

Kosten der Anrufweiterleitung:

Monatliche Grundgebühr: 0.00 EUR
Einrichtungsgebühr: 0.00 EUR

Bestell dir jetzt deine virtuelle Telefonnummer in Wageningen, Niederlande, und leite alle eingehenden Anrufe zu Iptel weiter!

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